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Eugenio Trías al Encuentro de Anton Bruckner

Eugenio Trías al Encuentro de Anton Bruckner

Juan José Pastor Comín, “Eugenio Trías al Encuentro de Anton Bruckner: Lecturas Fronterizas de la Misa en mi menor (WAB 27),” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74, no. 4 (2018): 1213–54,

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Eugenio Trías al Encuentro de Anton Bruckner: Lecturas Fronterizas de la Misa en mi menor (WAB 27)

Type Journal Article
Author Juan José Pastor Comín
Rights © 2018 Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | © 2018 Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Volume 74
Issue 4
Pages 1213-1254
Publication Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
ISSN 0870-5283
Date 2018
DOI 10.17990/RPF/2018_74_4_1213
Language Spanish
Abstract El canto de las sirenas (2007) and La imaginación sonora (2010) are the last two works that Eugenio Trías has devoted to the study of musical experience –both from the perspective of expression and perception– as a form of knowledge –gnosis– where reason appears powerless. This essay will examine how the instruments of historical, harmonic, formal or aesthetic analysis are not sufficient to understand the significance of musical discourse. To achieve this end, we will first set out the bases of his musical thought within the broad framework of the theory of the limit; secondly, we will confront the musical categories proposed by Trias with the Mass in E minor (WAB 27) composed by Anton Bruckner –one of the composers to whom he devoted most attention. We will therefore try to see how the system proposed by the philosopher helps us to understand the ontological and transcendent dimension of a musical work that is still alive, recently performed in the Spanish music scene, and not explicitly mentioned in philosopher’s writings.
Date Added 23/01/2019, 18:45:22
Modified 23/01/2019, 19:46:06


  • philosophy of music,
  • aesthetics,
  • Anton Bruckner,
  • Eugenio Trías,
  • musical analysis,
  • theory of limit


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